Thursday 15th December.
Time to pick some lettuce leaves.
Our Petunias are growing.
Tuesday 6th December.
Today it is raining. The rain will be good for the garden.
The leaves on our carrots are beginning to look like carrot leaves now.
Friday 2nd November
Oh no! One of our silver beet was going to seed so Ms McNeill picked the top off to stop it. It had a caterpillar in it.
Friday 18th November 2011
Our silver beet is growing well.
Today we transplanted some lettuce seedlings
into the tyre garden as well.
There is a little self sown tree growing too.
We don't know what it is yet.
We planted some petunias in one of the daffodil tyres.
We know there is a white one and a purple one.
What colour will the others be?
Some of the daffodil flowers have got seed pods growing.
If you look carefully, you can see that there are fat
seed pods at the end of the flower.
We also planted out some "Sweet William"
(Dianthus Barbatus).
15 November 2011
Yay! We think these are carrot seeds.
They are growing above the ground.
Monday 14 November 2011
We transplanted the Silver Beet seedlings into one tyre.
Friday 11th November
Some radish seeds are growing and they have two leaves.
It has taken eight days for them to grow leaves.
(Raphanus stivas)
is the botanical name for Radish.
The word 'radish' is derived from the Saxon, rude,rudo, or reod (ruddy), or
from the Sanskritrudhira, meaning blood, referring to the bright red colour
of the vegetable.
Originally from China, radishes reached Mediterranean areas even before
Greek times. They are a staple food in Japan and China, where they are
often pickled in brine, preserving them for long periods of time.
We want to plant out some lettuce seedlings but the weather
is too cold just yet. It is a very cold spring this year.
Usually the swimming pool is open by now.
Wednesday 2nd November 2011
We planted some radish and carrot seeds. When we weeded
the garden we found some silver beet seedlings growing from
last years plants. We nearly pulled them up by mistake but
Ms Douglas said,
just in time.
31 October 2011
12th October 2011
Our daffodils are growing.
Some flowers have been picked.
We cut the top of a plastic bottle to make a funnel shape.
We turned it upside down
Then we put a bulb in it and put the neck of the funnel in water.
Roots started to grow, and then leaves.
If you look carefully, you can see the flower bud in the centre.
Our bulbs in the garden will have roots like this.
27th September 2011
Yay! Our first daffodil flowers are nearly out!
They are King Alfred bulbs.
Ms Douglas thinks they are a beautiful yellow.
May 2011
In May we planted some daffodil
bulbs, and on August 19th they were
beginning to come through the ground.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
We watered the
bulbs. |
We take turns to water the bulbs. |
"Hi there,"
say Monique, Emily and Brook.