Monday 2 April 2012

Star Gazing on the School Field 02 April 2012

A beautiful,calm Twizel evening greeted the Star Guides from Earth and Sky, Tekapo.
The evening began with a view of something shiny and bright hurtling across the evening sky.
Satellite? Meteor?
At 7.00pm we watched the space station crossing over. It was much slower than the previous object.
Sunset over the sports field at school, with the "Pipehenge" in the foreground.
There is a navigator's seat. Sitting in it, your eye is at the center of a skeletal sphere, with the summer and winter path of the sun indicated by the white arcs.
North is past the red pole, south past the blue pole, east past the green pole, and west past the yellow pole.
The circle shows the path of the Southern Cross around the South Celestial Pole.

AJ focussing his telescope.
Christian with the large telescope from Earth and Sky, Lake Tekapo.
Sahar looking at Venus, the first star (planet) visible in the evening.
Eddie is looking through a telescope.
(With a little bit of help.)
Tom checking out Venus.
Looking through binoculars at the night sky.
Caleb looking through a diffferent telescope. 
Liam and Miss Maclennan.
Tom looking at Castor and Pollux.
Jonathan looking at Mars.
Mr and Mrs Grant.
Stormy Lee.
Stormy Lee looking at Mars.
View of the moon, taken through the large telescope.

The evening talk was presented by...

Our Pipe Henge is made of fixed pipes of galvanised steel, joined with aluminium junctions and coated with a baked powder coating in 6 colours, set in concrete and surrounded by safety matting.

1 comment:

  1. I love Telescopes and I saw so many stars.
